Digital Pulse.
Sharing news, views & opinions from the heart of the marketing industry.
During COVID-19, some business owners are their own worst enemy
First published in PR Daily
Despite government and health care experts best advice, some business leaders are making headlines for all the wrong reasons during a global pandemic.
Why Google’s algorithm is slowly making SEO agencies obsolete
First published in The Drum
There’s nothing new about questioning the future of SEO; people have been saying SEO is dead ever since it began. But with Google continually tweaking its algorithm in favour of a more natural approach, it’s difficult to see a long-term future for some agencies.
Talk qwerty to me: the future of digital marketing and language
Jake Sage was the winner of FSE Digital’s Future of Digital Marketing competition in April. Read the winning article.
How the NHS are teaching us that you make your own PR
There’s such a change in opinion, a shift in perception towards the NHS, that I’d argue no PR campaign could replicate, no matter how carefully planned.
The future of advertising: less is more
We're constantly connected with our phones, laptops, tablets, smartwatches always in our bags, pockets, wrists. What the marketing profession has so far largely ignored, though, are the consequences of this abundant digital content on consumers.
Why content deserves more credit
The right language really gets to the heart of what you do, who you are, and what makes you different.
It has the ability to inform, inspire and incite change. It can turn a visit into a sale, a stranger into a customer.