Digital Pulse.
Sharing news, views & opinions from the heart of the marketing industry.

Instagram, interior design, and how to avoid becoming a QVC tribute: an interview with Tina Tombs
It started out as an Instagram account to document a house renovation. 40,000 followers later, meet the accidental influencer behind Pastel Dreams. We caught up with Tina on what it’s like to work with brands like Dunelm, Wilko and Lenor, and how she selects the companies she works with.

Split testing, tracking, and not taking things too personally: an interview with Charlie Couch
We caught up with Charlie Couch; data-enthusiast, home improvements extraordinaire, and co-owner and founder of creative agency, Tandem, to get her thoughts and advice on all things PPC.

SMEs, skilling up, and giving value to your audience: an interview with Danny Hall
We caught up with Freelance SEO Essex owner, Danny Hall, to get his views on everything from the challenges of running an agency, to how to generate traffic that converts.

White space, websites, and combining skill sets: an interview with Russell Mitchell
We caught up with Russell Mitchell, Senior Designer and Developer at We Create Digital, a man of many talents, working in the industry for over a decade.
Strong imagery, snag lists, and keeping up with technology: an interview with Jeni Daniels
We spoke with Jeni Daniels, a web developer at London Studio, Benchmark, to get her views on everything from the importance of strong imagery, to the thrill of pushing a site live, and encouraging more women to the web dev industry.