Why referrals are the best form of marketing
It might seem like a strange thing for a marketer (marketeer?!) to say, but I really do think referrals are the best form of marketing; more effective than traditional, digital and PR channels for securing new business and growing your company. And I think it’s ok to tell your clients that. Because it doesn’t have to be either/or.
I’ve been fortunate enough to work for a couple of agencies where a large portion of new business comes from referrals. I’ve seen good work and strong relationships from the past result in new conversations with mutual contacts further down the line. I’ve witnessed time, effort, and friendly advice being given without an expectation of business in return, simply just to be helpful, and I’ve watched those actions materialise in years to come in unexpected ways.
Referrals are so valuable because the relationship often starts on a better foot. In the SEO world in particular, clients can be sceptical, whether that’s based on the reputation of our industry, or their own previous experiences with the agencies that earnt our sector that name. Reluctant to trust another agency, they begin the relationship looking for things to go wrong; waiting to be let down.
On the other hand, a glowing recommendation from someone they trust sets you off on completely different ground. Both parties are excited about the new partnership and what it could hold, and your client is usually happy to give you the space and freedom to put together a strategy that works. Both sides give each other the benefit of the doubt, and there’s a level of trust that underpins your new contract.
It's this trust that makes referrals the best form of marketing. It’s an obvious point but an important one – it’s not what you say about yourself, it’s what other people say about you. You can deliberate for hours, months, years, over the wording on your website, but why wouldn’t you say great things about yourself?! A recommendation from someone you know and trust is worth a million times that. The reassurance of being able to ask all your additional questions and concerns with a middle party can’t be underestimated.
So, how do you get about getting more referrals?
The most straightforward way to get more referrals is to earn them. Do great work, have excellent communication with your clients, and they’ll want to tell other people. There isn’t really a hack to this, it’s a case of being the best possible business you can be, and going over and above for your clients or customers.
It’s about playing the long game too. Don’t expect a client to go out and tell the world about you after they’ve sent you one positive email – sometimes it’s a question of timing – they might be at a networking event six months down the line when someone mentions they’re looking for a company like yours, and that’s the moment your hard work pays off.
Ask for reviews and introductions
You don’t ask, you don’t get! There’s no need to be pushy, but there are things you can do to increase the likelihood of securing a positive review. Have a ready-made email template asking customers to leave you reviews on Google. Make it as easy for them as possible – give them prompts on what topics to write about and provide a direct link of where to leave the review. Often, people are more than happy to share their positive feedback, they just don’t think to do so unless they’re asked.
You could also ask for an introduction, if there’s someone in their close network you’d love to work with. LinkedIn is a great way to see who they interact with, and which contacts of theirs might be interested in what you provide. Just a simple email introducing you both comes with an unspoken endorsement.
You can’t plan a referral like you might an email campaign or paid search ads, but they should still be part of your strategy. Referrals are a powerful tool for your business, especially for those more considered purchases.